Introduction to sharding

Introduction to sharding Sharding: Sharding is a process of distributing the data across multiple machines. The distribution is done based on the specific key called the shard key. This allows MongoDB to handle large datasets and higher read/write operations. MongoDB supports horizontal scaling through Sharding.… Read More

Indexes in MongoDB

Indexes in MongoDB Index: Index is a data structure that enhances the data retrieval efficiency by storing the small portion of the collection’s data along with the pointers to their physical location in the collection. 👉 MongoDB indexes use B-tree data structure. 👉 Indexes help… Read More

Install MongoDB in Amazon Linux VM

Install MongoDB in Amazon Linux VM: Step-1: Create a Linux virtual machine in AWS. Step-2: After creating it connect it through the putty or mobaXterm. Step-3: Run “sudo su“ to get all the root privileges.

Step-4: To know about the version and its details… Read More

Roles In MongoDB Part – 2

Roles In MongoDB Part – 2 User-Defined roles: MongoDB provides many built-in roles to manage the access to the database.but when the built-in roles did not meet your requirement privileges then you can go for creating your own roles. Creation of user-Defined role: To create… Read More

Roles in MongoDB

Roles in MongoDB MongoDB uses Role Based Access Control (RABC) to provide access to any MongoDB system. MongoDB supports multiple authentication methods like x.509 Certificate Kerberos Authentication and may like these authentication methods and the access to the database granted through the role-based authorization. There… Read More

Replication In MongoDB

Replication In MongoDB ♦ Replication is the process of creating and maintaining the multiple copies of data across the different servers and also ensuring the copy of the data remains consistent and updated. ♦ Replica set is one of the ways of implementing the replication… Read More

Databases In MongoDB

Databases In MongoDB In MongoDB the databases are divided in to two types based on the data they store they are. 1. Default databases 2. Non default databases Non default databases: The databases that are created explicitly depend on the needs of the users. Default… Read More

MongoDB Commands On Operators

MongoDB Commands On Operators To create a collection called student data.

To get all the documents in a collection called student data without any filter.

To get all the documents whose total marks is equals to 560.

To get all the documents… Read More

MongoDB Query Operators Part-3

MongoDB Query Operators Part-3 Evaluation Query Operators MongoDB Evaluation operators are used to evaluate the structure of overall data or the individual fields in the document. They are of six types of Evaluations operators 1. mod ($mod) 2. text ($text) 3. where ($where) 4. jsonSchema… Read More

MongoDB Query Operators Part-2

MongoDB Query Operators Part-2 Element Query Operator This operator is used to find the documents based on the datatypes and the fields in a document. There are two element query operators. 1. exists ($exists) 2. type ($type) 1. exist ($exist): This operator is used to… Read More