Cloning a virtual machine and How to add shared storage.

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Dear Readers,

In this article we will see how to clone a virtual machine and will add shared storage for both the machines.

Please check previous article 

Node Preparation for 19c RAC Installation (Installing Vmbox tools,Configuring Network,Installing ASMLIBs & Packages)  

How to clone a virtual machine

Note : In order to clone a machine it need to  be in shutdown state.

Step 1: 

Right click on RAC Node-1 machine and choose option clone 

Step 2:

Specify the Machine Name and Path 

Click on Next

Step 3 :

Choose full clone 

It will be exact copy of virtual machine including hard disks.

Step 4 :

Cloning takes time 

Step 5 :

After clone we can see RAC Node -2 machine

Click on start

Login with root authentication 

Step 6:

Goto settings and change IP address accordingly 

Goto Network –> Choose enp0s8 and click on Settings

Goto Ipv4–> Manual –> Give IP address–> apply 

Same settings in enp0s9, Goto Ipv4–> Manual –> Give IP address–> apply 

Same settings in enp0s10, Goto Ipv4–> Manual –> Give IP address–> apply 

Step 7 :

Open terminal and change hostname of  RAC Node-2

Check Hostname (Some times it needs restart)

How to add Shared Storage 

We can add Storage on any of the machines and later need to share with other machine 

So now will add storage on RAC Node-1

Step 1 :

Choose RAC Node-1 

Click on File –> Virtual Media Manager

Step 2 :

Click on Create and choose disk type as Virtual Disk Image(VDI)

Step 3 :

Choose fixed size 

Step 4 :

Provide location  and size to create RAC_ASM_DISK_01  

Click on Create 

Creating Shared Disk-1

In the same way create Six Hard disks


Provide location  and size to create RAC_ASM_DISK_02  

Click on Create 

Creating Shared Disk-2

Provide location  and size to create RAC_ASM_DISK_03  

Click on Create


Provide location  and size to create RAC_ASM_DISK_04  

Click on Create

Provide location  and size to create RAC_ASM_DISK_05  

Click on Create

Provide location  and size to create RAC_ASM_DISK_06  

Click on Create

Step 5 :

After creating hard disks ,Choose properties to check list of HDD 

These disks has been created on RAC Node-1 and to share with  RAC Node -2 

Choose disk-1 and change disk type as Shareable. 

Do same for all the  six disks

Once done, check whether disks are available on both Nodes

RAC Node-1

RAC Node-2

Start RAC Node -1  and RAC Node -2  and  Check  Partitions 

Create partitions for all six disks 


Do same for remaining all disks sdc,sdd,sde,sdf,sdg

Check partitions again using fdsik-l

Create ASM disks

Goto /dev/oracleasm/disks

Once created ,use oracleasm scandisks commands to scan available disks

After scan, to list out all available disks use command oracleasm listdisks

The above disks should be available at RAC Node -2

Check using below commands 

Disks has been shared for both the nodes ,we ready  start Installation of 19c  GRID  INFRASTRUCTURE  SOFTWARE .

Check below link for  Installation of 19c  GRID  INFRASTRUCTURE  SERVICES.

I hope above information was very helpful.


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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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