Enable DDL Replication In GoldenGate

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Dear Readers,

In this article we will see how to enable DDL Replication in Oracle GoldeGate 12c.

On Source database :

check processes

On Target database :

To Enable DDl replication in 12c we need to add DDL include all param inside extract process(EXTINT)

On Source database :

check table list on SCOTT schema

On Target database :

Check table list

On Source GGSCI :
Stop exract process (EXTINT)

Stop datapump process(DPINT)

Edit extint param file and add  DDL include all

Specify TABLE SCOTT.*   to replicate entire schema details to target 

Edit dpint param file

Add Table SCOTT.*

Start extint process

Start dpint process

Check process list 

On Source database :
Create new table

On Target database :
Check table replicated or not

Yes table definition replicated 

On source database :

Add new column

On Target database :

check columns in new_table

On Source database :

add primary key 

On target database :

check primary added or not

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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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