Generate DDL for Tables using PLSQL Package.

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Generate DDL  for Tables.

In this article , we will see Generating DDL for tables in various methods.

Generating DDL is  much easier using Plsql Package

Plsql Package :


Method 1 :

The below script  will help you to take DDL only for a single table

Check Logfile at os level


Method 2 :

This below example will help you to take DDL for all the tables in schema.

Check logfile it will show all the tables under schema


Method 3 :

The below script  will help you to take DDL for a table along with INDEXES.

Here is the output in logfile


Method 4 :

The below script will help you get  DDL for multiple users.


Method 5 :

The below script is used to generate DDL for a schema using DATAPUMP utility

Now import Metadata into another user using remap_schema

Here the dump file was imported into U2 user using remap_schema option.


Method 6:

The  below script will help you to take SCHEMA DDL.

Here is the output

Method 7 :

The below script will help you to take Tablespace DDL.

Here is the output

Method 8 :

The below script will hep to take  which  Roles Granted to a schema .

Here is the output

Method 9 :

The below script will help you to take all users creation DDL

Here is the few lines of  output

Method 10 :

The below script will help you to take System Grants  of a Schema





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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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