GoldenGate Monitoring Commands

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Dear Readers,

In this article we will see GoldenGate Monitoring Commands.

The following steps will briefly discuss the different commands we can use to monitor the GoldenGate environment and get statistics and reports on various
extract and replicat operations which are in progress.

1.Information on all GoldenGate processes running on a system

GGSCI ( 1> info all

2. Find the run status of a particular process

GGSCI ( 2> status mgr

Manager is running (IP port golden.7809).

3. Detailed information of a particular process 

GGSCI ( 3> info extract EXTINT

4. Monitoring an Extract recovery 

GGSCI ( 4> send extract extint,status

5.Monitoring processing volume – Statistics of the operations processed 

GGSCI ( 5> stats extract extint

6.View processing rate – can use ‘hr’,’min’ or ‘sec’ as a parameter

GGSCI ( 8> stats extract extint reportrate hr

Command to check minute parameter

GGSCI ( 9> stats extract extint reportrate min

7. View latency between the records processed by Goldengate and the timestamp in the data source 

GGSCI ( 10> send extract extint, getlag

8. Viewing the GoldenGate error log as well as history of commands executed and other events

We can use the editor depending on operating system – vi on Unix for example to view the ggserr.log file which is located at the top level GoldenGate software installation directory.

We can also use the GGSCI command VIEW GGSEVT as well.

9. View the process report Every Manager, Extract and Replicat process will generate a report file at the end of each run and this report can be viewed to diagnose any problems or errors as well as view the parameters used, the environment variables is use, memory consumption etc
For example:

GGSCI ( 12> view report extint

GGSCI ( 12> view report replicat

GGSCI ( 12> view report mgr

10.information on Child processes started by the Manager

GGSCI (  13> send manager childstatus

I hope above information was very helpful.

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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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