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Oracle vs MySQL DBA Checklist/Tasks(Article -06)

Differences between Oracle and MySQL
1 In Oracle we have different ways of backup like Logical Backup and Physical backups In MySQL also we have different ways of backup like Logical Backup and Physical backups
2 In Oracle ,Logical backups categorized to two types. They are
1.Traditional Backups(EXP & IMP)
2.Datapump (EXPDP & IMPDP)
In MySQL ,We can take logical backup using mysqldump utility
3 In Oracle Exp & Expdp is used to export data from database to dumpfile .
Where as Imp & Impdp is used to import data from dumpfile to database.
In MySQL, mysqldump is used to export data from database to dumpfile.
Where as , mysqlimport (or) source are used to loads the data from dumpfile to databases.
4 In Oracle to check all the options under exp & imp (or) expdp & impdp we use following command
$ exp help=y
$ imp help=y
$ expdp help=y
$ impdp help=y
In MySQL to check all the options under MYSQLDUMP we use following command
$ mysqldump –help
5 In Oracle we can take remote database backup by running following command

$ expdp dpback/dpback directory=dp_dir full=Y dumpfile=full.dmp logfile=full.log network_link=SOURCE

Here network_link=SOURCE is important. SOURCE is the dblink name
that we create before performing expdp operation.

In MySQL we can take remote database backup by running following command

$ mysqldump -P 3306 -h [ip_address] -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name > db_backup.sql
$ mysqldump -p 3306 -h -uroot -ppasswd world > full_world.sql

Here Dblink is not required instead of that we use host parameter

6 In Oracle , we can take export of all schemas in a database In MySQL we can take entire instance backup (which have multiple DB’s).
Example : $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] –all-databases > all_db_backup.sql
7 In Oracle , to take full database backup we use following command .
$ exp system/manager@xyz FULL=Y FILE=FULL.DMP
In MySQL , To take full database backup we use following command.
$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name > db_backup.sql
Ex : mysqldump -uroot -p passwd world >db_world.sql
8 In Oracle , to take a specific tables backup with in database ,
$ exp FILE=dept_emp.dmp log=dept_emp.log userid=scott/manager TABLES=dept.emp
In MySQL , to take backup of specific tables within a DB
$ mysqldump -u [uname] -p[pass] db_name table1 table2 > table_backup.sql
Example : mysqldump -uroot -ppasswd world wc01 wc02 > wc001_002_backup.sql
9 In Oracle , to take tablespace backup we use following command.
$ exp file=ts_users.dmp log=ts_users.log tablespaces=users
In MySQL we don’t have an option to take tablespace.
10 In Oracle while performing export by default oracle will take backup of triggers ,constraints,
grants ,all rows,structure
In MySQL while performing be default MySQL takes create and insert commands only.
In order to take backup of Triggers,functions,procedure we need to use mysqldump options like -all-triggers -all-functions…etc..,




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