How to Install and Configure AWS CLI On Windows

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In this article, we will see the following Connect to Amazon EC2 Instance Using Putty.

What is AWS CLI?

The AWS CLI is a unified tool to manage your AWS services from a terminal session on your own client.
With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.

Steps to Follow :
  1. Download AWS CLI
  2. Install AWS CLI
  3. Generate Access key ID and Secret Access Key from IAM
  4. Configure AWS CLI by using Access Key ID and Secret Access Key


The machine/laptop can’t configure directly  in cmd prompt.
If you try to configure AWS CLI  it throws an error.
We can get error like this ” aws is not recognized as an internal or external command.”

To configure AWS  CLI , we do have AWS Command Line Interface Package.
So we need to download and install AWS CLI then configure by using credentials.

1. Download AWS CLI 

Download the software by using below link.

click on Download AWS CLI MSI installer for windows(64bit).

The software has been downloaded successfully.

2. Install AWS CLI

Go to physical location and double click on the downloaded software.


Click on Next.

Accept license Agreement and click on Next.

Click on Next.

Click on Install.

It’s processing it will take some time to complete.

Click on Finish.

The software has been installed successfully , we can check in control panel.

Now, onwards the machine/laptop will accept to run AWS commands in cmd prompt.

If you want to enter credentials we need to run one command “aws configure” then only it will ask the credentials.

3. Generate Access key ID and Secret Access Key

Logging to AWS Account

First, we need to AWS Console page by using below link.

Click on sign in to Console button.

Logging to aws account

Login using username & password and click on sign in.

Enter to AWS Management Console

We can see the AWS Management Console Dashboard.

Go to services and click on IAM under security, identity & Compliance.

Go to IAM Dashborad,click on My access key.

Click on Create New Access Key.

We can see the Generated Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

These keys are necessary to access the CLI.

4. Configure AWS CLI by using Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

Verify the version of AWS CLI

Specify required credentials, region and output format for connect to AWS CLI

Verify S3 Buckets


Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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