How to Make Image to Private and Pull from Docker Hub

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Dear Raeders,

In this article,we will see Make Image to Private and Pull from Docker Hub then create container from the image.

Steps to Follow

  1. Logging to Docker Hub Account and make image to private (Graphically).
  2. Connect to Docker Linux EC2 Terminal through Putty.
  3. Switch to root user.
  4. Pull Image from Docker Hub.
  5. Logging to Docker Hub Account.
  6. Pull Image from Docker Hub.
  7. Verify Image.
  8. Create a container “ktexperts-new-container-1” from the above image “rameshktexperts/ktexperts-new-image”.
  9. Verify  files inside the Directory “ktexperts”.
  10. Verify Container “ktexperts-new-container-1”.

1. Logging to Docker Hub Account and make image to private (Graphically)

Provide username and password and click n Sign in.

We can see the image “ktexperts-new-image” in your Docker Hub Repository.


By default docker images are public.

we can make it private also if required.

Click on PRIVATE.

Click on Make Private.

Enter name of image “ktexperts-image” for confirmation and click on Make Private.

The image “ktexperts-image” has been made to private successfully.

2. Connect to Docker Linux EC2 Terminal through Putty

3. Switch to root user

4. Pull Image from Docker Hub


we have seen error i,e,pull access denied because that’s in private so,nobody can pull from Docker Hub.

If you want pull the image from Docker Hub,we need to login to Docker Hub then only the image will be pulled from Docker Hub.

5. Logging to Docker Hub Account

6. Pull Image from Docker Hub

7. Verify Image

To see the list of all images

8. Create a container “ktexperts-new-container-1” from the above image “rameshktexperts/ktexperts-new-image”

9. Verify files inside the Directory “ktexperts”

Go inside the Directory “ktexperts” and verify files

we can see all the files inside the directory “ktexperts”

Exit from the container

10. Verify Container “ktexperts-new-container-1”

To see the list of all containers

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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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