Maven Project – Create and Build Job

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In this article,we will see Create and Build Job in Jenkins.

Steps to Follow

  1. Create a maven Job “kt-mavenjob”.
  2. Build job “kt-mavenjob”.
  3. Verify Console Output of job “Kt-mavenjob”

1. Create a maven Job “kt-mavenjob”

Click on New Item to create a new job.

Enter an Item name “kt-mavenjob” and select “Maven Project” and click on OK.

Go to Repository “time-tracker” by using below link.

Copy the Repository “time-tracker” URL.

Go to Source Code Management,
select Git and paste the Repository “time-tracker” URL which was copied.

Go to Build,
Enter maven command in the Goals and Options field “clean package” and click on Save.

2. Build job “kt-mavenjob”

Click on Build Now.

The job is going to building, It may take some time to complete.

We can see the green ball which means the job is build successfully.

3. Verify Console Output of job “Kt-mavenjob”

Click on green ball for seeing console output.

we can see the console output.

Console Output

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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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