How to Install Jenkins in Amazon Linux Machine

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Dear Readers,

In this article,we will see Install Jenkins in Amazon Linux Machine.

Steps to Follow

  1. Launch Jenkins Machine.
  2. Connect to Jenkins Linux EC2 Terminal through Putty.
  3. Switch to root user.
  4. Update Server Packages.
  5. Install the Java.
  6. Configure the Java Home Location.
  7. Download and Install Jenkins.
  8. Start the Jenkins.
  9. Access the Jenkins.

1. Launch Jenkins Machine

we need to open SSH,HTTP and 8080 ports.
Please check below link to Launch Linux EC2 Instance.

Launch Linux EC2 Instance

We can see “Jenkins” which was created earlier.

2. Connect to Jenkins Linux EC2 Terminal through Putty

Switch to root user

3. Update Server Packages

4. Install the Java Package

Verify Version of Java

5. Configure the Java Home Location

6. Download and Install Jenkins

Install wget command to download something from Internet

Download Jenkins Repository

Import a key file from Jenkins-CI to enable installation from the package

Install Jenkins

7. Start the Jenkins

Verify the status of Jenkins

Enable the Jenkins Service

8. Access the Jenkins

we can access the Jenkins through web page.
Jenkins default port is 8080.
Open browser we need to give Public IP of Jenkins Machine:8080 for accessing Jenkins.

Copy the Public IP of Jenkins

Search Public IP:8080 in browser

We can see the Jenkins page and we need to unlock Jenkins.

Unlock Jenkins

If you want to unlock jenkins we need to provide password.
we will get password by using path ” /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword”.

Get Password

Go the path “/var/lib/jenkins/secrets” and open the file “initialAdminPassword” and copy the password.

Provide password which was copied and click on continue.

Select Install suggested plugins.

when you select install suggested plugins you will get so many default plugins.

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Once select “Install suggested plugins”,it is going to install all default plugins.
It may take 10 minutes to complete.

Create First Admin User

Provide required things to create admin user and click on save and continue.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 18-4.png

we can see Jenkins URL “” and Save and Finish.

Jenkins is ready to use and click on Start using Jenkins.

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Finally,we can see the dashboard of Jenkins.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 21-2.png

Thank you for giving your valuable time to read the above information.
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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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