Parameterization in Jenkins job

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Parameterization in Jenkins job

Parameters in Jenkins:
Parameters can be used in 2 ways in Jenkins job.
▪️ Define parameter value directly inside a build job (or in shell/batch commands) as fixed value.
▪️ Define using Build Parameters – Setting build parameter and passing values to the parameter during execution.
1) Define parameter value(fixed) directly inside job
A) Traditional Jobs (with Shell or batch command)
▪️ Jobs with batch commands, we use the native Windows syntax:
B) Pipelines Jobs
▪️ Inside a Jenkins Pipeline, we can access a build parameter (static parameter variable) in multiple ways.
▪️ First, all build parameters are placed into a params variable. This means we can access a parameter value using dot notation:

Second, the build parameters are added to the environment of the pipeline. This means we can use the shorter shell syntax inside a step that executes a shell script:

2) Build parameters – Passing values during execution/run time of Jenkins Job
▪️ A build parameter allows us to pass data into our Jenkins jobs.
▪️ Using build parameters, we can pass any data we want git branch name, secret credentials, hostnames and ports, and so on.
▪️ We can define Build parameters using
->UI web console (UI menu options)
->Defined in Pipeline job (UI pipeline script section)
->Defined in Pipeline job (pipeline in Jenkins file)               
Types of Build Parameters
Jenkins supports several parameter types. Below is a list of the most common ones, but keep in mind that different plugins may add new parameter types:
String: any combination of characters and numbers
Choice: a pre-defined set of strings from which a user can pick a value
Credentials: a pre-defined Jenkins credential
File: the full path to a file on the filesystem
Multi-line String: same as String but allows newline characters.
Password: similar to the Credentials type, but allows us to pass a plain text parameter specific to the job or pipeline
Run: an absolute URL to a single run of another job
Jenkins Plugin to use Build Parameters feature:
Install the Parameterized Build Plugin (if not already installed): If you don’t have the Parameterized Build plugin installed in your Jenkins instance, you need to install it first.
Manage Jenkins” -> “Manage Plugins” -> “Available” tab, searching for “Parameterized Build” plugin, and installing it.
Example Job -: Parameter Build (using Freestyle job in Web UI)
👉 Create a new job –in console.
👉 Configure the job this build is parameterized (under Build Triggers)
👉 Add parameters –different kinds of parameters.
👉 Trigger the build using the option – Build with Parameters.
👉 Check the console output:
👉 We can check the parameters used for each Build – Based on BUILD number.
Check the parameter used for Job #1
Check the parameter used for Job #2
Example Job -: Parameter Build in Declarative Pipeline job.

👉 Enter the pipeline code under the pipeline script section in Web UI
👉 Enter the Build Now option – for the first RUN it will NOT show Build with parameters.
👉 Check the console output for the first RUN:
👉 Perform the second run with option – Build with Parameters.
👉 Enter the value under each filed and submit the BUILD.
👉 Check the console output:
Example Job -: Parameter Build in Scripted Pipeline job.

👉 Create the job in console:
👉 Configure the job for scripted pipeline.
👉 Add the code in console for scripted pipeline:
👉 Build the code with option -Build with parameters during the second RUN.
👉 Check the console output:
Example Job -: Parameter Build using JENKINS file.

👉 Save the code in the Jenkins file (in GIT Repo)
👉 Add configuration details in Web UI
👉 Build the code with option -Build with Parameter (from the second RUN)
👉 Check the console output:
How to use Jenkins Build Parameters Dynamically
▪️ Sometimes you want to render the parameters dynamically based on the value selected in any other parameter.
▪️ Given the declarative nature of Jenkins jobs, we cannot achieve the use-case with the native Jenkins parameters available.
▪️ Here comes the Active Choices parameter plug into the rescue, which can help us render parameters/parameter’s value dynamically.
Active Choice Plugins required:
Active Choices parameter plugin provides 3 types of parameters.
👉 Active Choices Parameter
👉 Active Choices Reactive Parameter
👉 Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter
Active Choices Parameter
▪️ An Active Choices parameter dynamically generates a list of value options for a build parameter.
Example: Listing all the state names in a drop-down menu (based on parameter STATE).
Active Choice Reactive Parameter
▪️ An Active Choices Reactive Parameter can generate the same set of value options as of Active choice parameter
▪️ In addition to that, it can be dynamically updated with the values based on the selection in some other build parameter
Example: Selecting a city name based on the state name
Example A) Select many cities based on State.
Example B) Select only one city under a State.
Active Choice Reactive Reference Parameter
▪️ This parameter provides the same features as the Active Choices Reactive Reference parameters.
▪️ In addition to that, it can enhance the Job UI form with custom HTML controls like list, images, text boxes, etc.
Example: Adding additional text box in the side in HTML format to enter release details of the service
Example Job – Parameter Build – Active choice Reactive Parameter

👉 Create a Jenkins file – code for Active choice Reactive parameter.
👉 Create a new job – for Active choice Reactive parameter.
👉 Click the Build with Parameter option: from the second RUN
👉 Check the drop down of the second parameter – based on first parameter selection
👉 Select the second parameter (from the drop down) and click BUILD button
👉 Check for the execution of the Job for successful completion.
Check the console output of the job:
Jenkins file Parameter Best Practices
The following are some of the best practices you can follow while using parameters in a Jenkins file.
▪️ Never pass passwords in the String or Multi-line parameter block. Instead, use the password parameter of access Jenkins credentials with credential id as the parameter.
▪️ Try to use parameters only if required. Alternatively, you can use a config management tool to read configs or parameters in the runtime.
▪️ Handle the wrong parameter execution in the stages with a proper exception handling. It avoids unwanted step execution when a wrong parameter is provided. It happens typically in multi-line and string parameters.
Jenkins file Parameter FAQs
▪️ How to dynamically populate the choice parameter in the declarative pipeline?
Dynamic parameters can be achieved by using an active choice parameter. It uses a groovy script to dynamically populate choice parameter values.
▪️ How are the parameters used in the declarative pipeline?
In the declarative pipeline, parameters can be incorporated using the properties block. It supports all types of Jenkins parameters.
▪️ How to generate pipeline code for parameters?
You can use the native Jenkins pipeline syntax generator to generate the code block for any type of pipeline parameter.


Author    : Venkat Vinod Kumar Siram 
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Assisted by Shanmugavel
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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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